
The healthcare industry is expanding rapidly, with more people getting health insurance and more people needing medical care. This growth is due to a number of factors, including the increasing number of people who have health insurance, the increasing number of people who need medical care, and the increasing cost of medical care.

One of the main reasons for the growth in the healthcare industry is the increasing number of people who have health insurance. In the United States, the number of people who have health insurance has increased from about 50 percent of the population in 1965 to almost 90 percent of the population in 2013. This increase in the number of people with health insurance has led to an increase in the number of people who need medical care.

Another reason for the growth in the healthcare industry is the increasing number of people who need medical care. In the United States, the number of people who need medical care has increased from about 50 million people in 1980 to about 150 million people in 2013. This increase in the number of people who need medical care has led to an increase in the cost of medical care.

The growth in the healthcare industry is also due to the increasing cost of medical care. In the United States, the cost of medical care has increased from about $2,000 per person per year in 1980 to about $8,000 per person per year in 2013. This increase in the cost of medical care has led to an increase in the amount of money that people are able to spend on medical care.

The healthcare industry is expanding rapidly, with more people becoming health conscious and living longer. This is fueling the growth of healthcare providers without an accompanying increase in the number of healthcare workers.

This trend is likely to continue, as more people become aware of the importance of good health and seek out preventive measures. In addition, the cost of healthcare is continuing to rise, making it more affordable for more people to seek out medical care.

This growth is likely to have a significant impact on the healthcare industry in the future. It is likely to result in an increase in the number of healthcare providers and an increase in the amount of money that they are able to generate.

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